A Ray of Hope

A Ray of Hope

A Ray of Hope
A mother's story of love, healing, and the miracle of medical marijuana
Published by Hope Grows Publishing
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 "...Holley has done a remarkable job of using this book to not only tell her story, but to provide other parents with advice and solutions that will help them to navigate their own journeys. Parents everywhere should read this book for a real-life take on life with a special needs child and an inspiring story of what the love of a parent can truly accomplish.” —Senator Rob Bradley

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On a typical day at her job as a nurse, Holley Moseley met a small, captivating toddler named RayAnn who would change her life forever. What began as their fairytale of a family knit together by love and adoption quickly became the harrowing tale of Holley and her husband fighting to save their daughter’s life. When they found the miracle they were desperate for in the form of CBD-rich oil, a type of medical cannabis, they soon realized that their story was really just beginning.

Told through her experiences as both a nurse and a mother of amedically fragile child, Holley offers insight on the controversial use of medical cannabis as a treatment for sick children—from dealing with the behind-your-back whispers of judgmental neighbors to building the best “team” for your child, this book is a how-to for any parent who may be hoping for their own miracle.

From the book:

There’s a saying I’ve often heard about how if you want to make God laugh, you can just tell him your plans. I’ve always been a planner. I had my future planned out to a “T.”  But you see, the thing about life is you can’t plan for everything. And it’s often the times your life goes the furthest off script that the best moments happen: the surprises, the unexpected, the miracles.  It’s funny how life works—looking back at the decisions you’ve made, the paths you’ve chosen, how they end up leading you right to the place you were always meant to be. And one day, when you look back on the story that’s been written in the days and weeks that follow, you see how it all fell into place despite the things you thought you were planning for at the time. And maybe then you’ll find yourself laughing, too.

Chapter One, page 3

Once we had seen what Colorado had to offer RayAnn, we began to explore our options, which included the very real possibility of our uprooting our lives in Florida and moving there. It was important to us that we do this the right way—in a state where it would be legal for us to possess and use the CBD oil. Medical marijuana was not legal in our home state of Florida, so we would have to move—I planned to move as soon as possible with RayAnn and then figure out how Peyton and our other two children could follow us later. The logistics would not be easy, but if this was the solution for RayAnn, I knew I would move heaven and earth if it meant saving our girl.

Chapter Four, page 38

Keep in mind that people come from many different places and have countless opinions that they will most certainly share with you. In the end, we all have to learn to respect one another and try to move forward with the facts at hand. The more people who understand where you’re coming from, the easier it will be for medical marijuana to become an accessible solution for everyone who needs it. As members of the growing ranks of people who have enjoyed success with medical marijuana, it’s our duty to share our stories—to finally give names and faces to this cause and help make meaningful change possible.

Chapter 9, page 112

Paperback | 123 pages | October 1, 2018