Mother. Adoptive parent. Nurse. Advocate. Author. Speaker.

Let Holley Mosely speak at your event. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry.
You’ll be inspired, but you’ll never see the world the same way!

GENERAL KEYNOTE: The Story of RayAnn Moseley…How One Little Girl Changed the World

On a typical day at her job as a nurse, Holley Moseley met a small, captivating toddler named RayAnn who would change her life forever. What began as their fairytale of a family knit together by love and adoption quickly became the harrowing tale of Holley and her husband fighting to save their daughter’s life.

RayAnn, who had been diagnosed with cerebral palsy and epilepsy since birth, had begun to experience a drastic increase in her seizure activity. As traditional pharmaceuticals stopped working and her condition worsened, Holley and her husband felt like they were out of options for saving their daughter. When they found the miracle they were desperate for in the form of CBD-rich oil, a type of medical cannabis, they soon realized that their story was really just beginning. Told through her experiences as both a nurse and a mother of a medically fragile child, Holley offers insight on the controversial use of medical cannabis as a treatment for sick children.

In addition, Holley worked with legislators and was instrumental in the creation and passing of the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014 in Florida. She shares her journey on how to advocate for a cause you believe in, even when the odds are stacked against you. Holley’s story will make you laugh and bring you to tears, but most of all it will leave you inspired to believe in the power of hope.

For Parents:

As the parent of a chronically ill child, Holley knows how frightening and at times lonely it can feel. From her years of advocating for RayAnn, Holley is no stranger to the feeling of being overwhelmed and exhausted that comes from caring for a child with a chronic illness. Over time she has developed real-life strategies for everything from keeping the mountain of paperwork and prescriptions organized to find ways to make the most of each doctor’s appointment. For example, attendees will learn:

  • Tips for staying organized and getting the most out of doctor’s appointments
  • Strategies for talking to doctors and medical professionals and getting your questions answered
  • The value of finding your community—other parents who may be going through similar circumstances—and how to find them
  • Helpful guidance on how to build the best team, both medical and otherwise, for your child
  • “Putting on your own oxygen mask first” and the importance of taking care of YOURSELF—ideas for self-care and strategies for making room for you in your busy life


For Medical Professionals:

As a nurse and the parent of a medically fragile child, Holley has a unique perspective of someone who has both worked with patients and their families and been the patient’s family herself. Her years of experience in both aspects have helped her to develop a series of best practices for medical professionals to use when working with patients and their families. For example, attendees will learn:

  • What parents of chronically ill children wish doctors knew
  • Tips for working alongside families in a way that makes them feel seen and heard
  • What Holley’s experience as a nurse in both the neurological and pediatric fields has taught her—and how that knowledge led to a solution that helped saved her own daughter’s life
  • An in-depth knowledge of medical cannabis and how it has saved her daughter’s life


For Others in the Community (General Interest):

Holley is a wealth of knowledge on a variety of captivating and important topics. In addition to her medical expertise and her experience as a parent, she can speak to a variety of topics including:

  • CBD Oil/Medical Cannabis—After experiencing first-hand the incredible results of using CBD oil to treat her daughter’s seizures, Holley has become an advocate for its research and use as a treatment for modern medicine. She is a wealth of knowledge on everything from sourcing the product properly to dealing with “backlash” from the public and even working to pass legislation for legalization.
  • Adoptive Families—Holley’s incredible journey with her daughter RayAnn began as a beautiful story of adoption. She offers insight on the adoption journey and what that has meant for her family over the years, after the adoption of a chronically ill child.
  • Advocating for Your Cause—Holley worked with legislators and was instrumental in the creation and passing of the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014 in Florida. She has tips and tricks for getting in front of the right people, getting your message across, and leaving an impression that can create lasting change.


*Tailored Presentations: Holley can also customize a presentation for your group. Topics and group suggestions are not exclusive. Holley has a wealth of experience and expertise and can tailor any topic to your particular group. You can contact Holley here.